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dc.contributor.authorPeterson, Stephen Bovard
dc.identifier.citationPeterson, Stephen. 2010. Reforming Public Financial Management in Africa. HKS Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP10-048, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractSuccessful public sector reform is rare in Africa. Over twelve years, Ethiopia transformed its public financial management (PFM) to international standards and now has the third best system in Africa that is managing the largest aid flows to the continent. This article presents a framework for understanding PFM reform based on the Ethiopian experience. Reforms succeed when they are aligned with the four drivers of public sector reform: COPS—context, ownership, purpose and strategy. Public financial management is a core function of the state and its sovereignty and it is not an appropriate arena for foreign aid intervention—governments must fully own it, which was a key to the success of Ethiopia’s reform. The purpose of PFM reform should be building stable and sustainable ‘plateaus’ of PFM that are appropriate to the local context and they should not be about risky and irrelevant ‘summits’ of international best practice. Plateaus not summits are needed in Africa. Finally, a strategy of reform has four tasks: recognize, improve, change, and sustain. Ethiopia succeeded because it implemented a recognize-improve-sustain strategy to support the government policy of rapid decentralization. All too often, much of PFM reform in Africa is about the change task and climbing financial summits.en_US
dc.publisherJohn F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard Universityen_US
dc.subjectMLD - Management, Leadership, and Decision Sciencesen_US
dc.subjectPublic Managementen_US
dc.subjectInternational Developmenten_US
dc.titleReforming Public Financial Management in Africaen_US
dc.typeResearch Paper or Reporten_US
dc.description.versionAuthor's Originalen_US
dc.relation.journalHKS Faculty Research Working Paper Seriesen_US
dash.depositing.authorPeterson, Stephen Bovard
dash.contributor.affiliatedPeterson, Stephen

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