Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Abuse of Dominance by High-Technology Enterprises: A Comparison of U.S. and E.C. Approaches 

      Scherer, Frederic Michael (John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 2010)
      This paper compares how the United States and the European Community dealt with competition policy challenges by two firms operating at the frontiers of technology: Microsoft and Intel. The U.S. Microsoft case was broadly ...
    • The "CAPS" Prediction System and Stock Market Returns 

      Avery, Christopher N.; Chevalier, Judith; Zeckhauser, Richard Jay (John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 2011)
      We study the predictive power of approximately 2.5 million stock picks submitted by individual users to the “CAPS” website run by the Motley Fool company ( These picks prove to be surprisingly informative ...
    • Nuclear Lessons for Cyber Security? 

      Nye, Joseph S. (United States Air Force, 2011)
      Identifying “revolutions in military affairs” is arbitrary, but some inflection points in technological change are larger than others: for example, the gunpowder revolution in early modern Europe, the industrial revolution ...
    • The Online Laboratory: Conducting Experiments in a Real Labor Market 

      Horton, John Joseph; Rand, David Gertler; Zeckhauser, Richard Jay (John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 2010)
      Online labor markets have great potential as platforms for conducting experiments, as they provide immediate access to a large and diverse subject pool and allow researchers to conduct randomized controlled trials. We argue ...