Now showing items 21-40 of 379

    • 'Functional Follies' for an Urban Slum 

      Akakpo, Kofi (2021-01-20)
      “The challenge for Africa is no less than the restoration of its intellectual freedom and a capacity to create—without which no sovereignty is conceivable.”1 The general attitude toward architecture on the African ...
    • Investigations in Metropolitan Form: Architecture, Infrastructure, and the American City 

      O'Keefe, Don (2021-01-20)
      This thesis challenges the discipline of architecture to reassert its agency at the scale of the city, the region, and the territory. Using Austin, Texas and Richmond, Virginia as case studies, it proposes a transformation ...
    • The Economics of Space and Time: Toward a True Mixed-Use 

      Zhang, George Huaiyu (2021-01-20)
      As the world’s population continues to gravitate towards cities (at the rate of 1 million per 5-6 days), perennial challenges in today’s cities - congestion, density, and high costs of living - will only exacerbate as this ...
    • Citing the Native Genius 

      Cook, Taylor (2021-01-20)
      For over 120 years Americanization has tried to demean and erase Hawaiian language, culture, and architecture. In contemporary discourse, the vernacular architecture of Hawai'i is mostly referred to as ancient and vague. ...
    • Care Agency: a 10-year choreography of architectural repair 

      Deng, Cynthia (2021-01-20)
      “El mundo que queremos es uno donde quepan muchos mundos.” / “The world we want is one where many worlds fit.” -Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional “What the world will become already exists in fragments and ...
    • Commoning the Seed: Ritual and Preservation as Practice for the Modern Monastery 

      Han, Rebecca (2021-01-20)
      Characterized by strict organizations of time, rules, and divisions of space, the monastery has provided the ideal set of conditions for early religious practice. While monastic practice has been categorized as increasingly ...
    • The Magic Carpet 

      Jalali, Golnoush (2021-01-20)
      The “Persian Carpet” and the “Persian Miniature” painting have served as representation tools for the “Persian Garden” and the idea of paradise in Persian culture since antiquity. The word “paradise” derives from the ...
    • Stacked Daydreams: Ceiling-scape for the Neglected (Hong Kong Factory Adaptive-Reuse for Elderly Care) 

      Wong, Zai Xi Jeffrey (2021-01-20)
      This thesis operates at the intersection of three domains of neglect: 1. In the realm of building elements, the ceiling is often considered as an afterthought in the design process. 2. Across building types, the vertical ...
    • Rooms without Programs 

      Han, Won Jeong (2021-01-20)
      The concept of housing has undergone various changes throughout the history. Once, it used to be a dwelling where different domestic activities took place in a room or a building without spatial divisions. As time passed, ...
    • Monuments of Context: New Tube for London 

      Moqrane, Adam (2021-01-20)
      Deep in the heart of Zone 4 North London, “Monuments of Context: New Tube for London” proposes a new train line for the London Underground, the Cosmopolitan line, which is comprised of three new stations: the Three Hammers, ...
    • Labored Form: Domestic Fold 

      Hickman, Ashley (2021-01-20)
      Las Vegas is a city of duplicates; it appears at first only complicated. Buildings on The Strip duplicate neighboring buildings, implicate antecedent versions of themselves, and replicate other cities. The multiplication ...
    • Architecture of Thresholds: Discrete Liminality Between Spaces of Different Territorial Claims. 

      Ngure, Andrew Mbuthia (2021-01-20)
      Boundaries define space. Thresholds define place. Through their crossing, they define both the place you have left and the place you are entering. They have the power to craft expectations and reverse existent hierarchies. ...
    • The Uncanny City 

      Chee, Grace Ching Him (2021-01-20)
      The Uncanny—a state defined by Freud to be “that class of the terrifying which leads back to something long known to us”—has long been a wellspring for artists, writers, and philosophers. It captures a particular sensibility ...
    • Platforms: re-framing urban relocation through an ownership model for resident-led transformations of the built environment 

      DiNapoli, Benjamin (2021-01-20)
      Changing economic, demographic, and technological forces are shaping new balances of power across the planet. Systems of exchange fueled by urbanization, regional dynamism, the commodification of land, and increasingly ...
    • DataHub: Data Centers for Cities and People 

      Grohsgal, Ian (2021-01-21)
      This thesis looks at how to design data centers for the urban context in a way that benefits cities and the people who live in them. COVID-19 has only reinforced the sentiment that our physical realm will require more and ...
    • THE [ OFF - CORE ] 

      PUN, CHUN HIN (2021-01-22)
      The [OFF - CORE] is a thesis that encourages us to imagine what the definition of [OFFICE] be like in the future and how could the design of the [CORE] in a tower facilitates this paradigm shift. Can an [OFFICE] be ...
    • Embedding Transience in Permanence: The School Pandemically Reconsidered 

      Huang, Steven (2021-01-25)
      The greatest catastrophic threat cities face today is not nuclear weapons but viruses. The intention of the project is to rethink the way cities can be prepared for future pandemic crisis in terms of architecture. Fusing ...
    • A Comprehensive Design and Policy Toolkit to Better Serve Survivors of Domestic Violence in New York City: Learning from Covid-19 

      Redding, Gabrielle Joan (2021-01-28)
      The unprecedented crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic has brought into the limelight what many have unfortunately already known to be true, that times of extreme change, urgency, and tension too often correlate to a rise in ...
    • Architectural Hybrids Shaped by the Times: Moments of Public Housing in the US 

      Horn, Vaughn (2021-02-09)
      This dissertation questioned the tendency toward varied architectural forms in US housing projects, given that the function of the public housing program evolved over time. This work contributed to existing studies on ...

      Zhao, Sheng (2021-02-09)
      Since modernity, the term “atlas” has garnered a meaning beyond an accumulation of maps, referring also to the practice of collecting images. Aby Warburg collected 971 images in his Bilderatlas Mnemosyne to create a model ...