Now showing items 1-12 of 12

    • A Clinician-administered Severity Rating Scale for Illness Anxiety: Development, Reliability, and Validity of the H-ybocs-m 

      Skritskaya, Natalia; Carson-Wong, Amanda; Moeller, James; Shen, Sa; Barsky, Arthur; Fallon, Brian (2012)
      Background Clinician-administered measures to assess severity of illness anxiety and response to treatment are few. The authors evaluated a modified version of the hypochondriasis-Y-BOCS (H-YBOCS-M), a 19-item, semistructured, ...
    • A Prospective 4- to 5-year Study of Dsm-iii-r Hypochondriasis 

      Barsky, Arthur; Fama, Jeanne M.; Bailey, E. Duff; Ahern, David K. (1998)
      Background: Although hypochondriasis is generally thought to be a chronic and stable condition with a relatively low remission rate, this disorder remains understudied.Methods: This is a 4- to 5-year prospective case-control ...
    • Benzodiazepines are Prescribed More Frequently to Patients Already at Risk for Benzodiazepine-related Adverse Events in Primary Care 

      Kroll, David; Nieva, Harry Reyes; Barsky, Arthur; Linder, Jeffrey (2016)
      Benzodiazepine use is associated with adverse drug events and higher mortality. Known risk factors for benzodiazepine-related adverse events include lung disease, substance use, and vulnerability to fracture.To determine ...
    • Childhood Environment as a Predictor of Perceived Health Status in Late Life 

      Shah, Sejal B.; Barsky, Arthur J.; Vaillant, George; Waldinger, Robert J. (PAGEPress Publications, Pavia, Italy, 2014)
      Prior studies have shown that perceived health status is a consistent and reliable predictor of morbidity and mortality. Because perceived health status and objective health are not highly correlated, we sought to identify ...
    • Clinical Application of Somatosensory Amplification in Psychosomatic Medicine 

      Nakao, Mutsuhiro; Barsky, Arthur Joseph (BioMed Central, 2007)
      Many patients with somatoform disorders are frequently encountered in psychosomatic clinics as well as in primary care clinics. To assess such patients objectively, the concept of somatosensory amplification may be useful. ...
    • Heartbeat Perception in Panic Disorder: a Reanalysis 

      Van der Does, A.J.Willem; Antony, Martin M; Ehlers, Anke; Barsky, Arthur (2000)
      This article describes a reanalysis of seven studies on heart beat perception (HBP) in panic disorder. The pooled sample had 709 participants from eight diagnostic categories. Accurate HBP was uncommon, but more prevalent ...
    • Mapping the Road From Childhood Trauma to Adult Somatization: the Role of Attachment 

      Waldinger, Robert J.; Schulz, Marc S.; Barsky, Arthur; Ahern, David K. (2006)
      Objective: This study tested whether insecure attachment mediates the link between childhood trauma and adult somatization. Methods: A community sample of 101 couples completed self-report measures, including the Relationship ...
    • Nonspecific Medication Side Effects and the Nocebo Phenomenon 

      Barsky, Arthur; Saintfort, Ralph; Rogers, Malcolm P.; Borus, Jonathan (American Medical Association (AMA), 2002-02-06)
      Patients taking active medications frequently experience adverse, nonspecific side effects that are not a direct result of the specific pharmacological action of the drug. Although this phenomenon is common, distressing, ...
    • Nonspecific Medication Side Effects and the Nocebo Phenomenon 

      Barsky, Arthur; Saintfort, Ralph; Rogers, Malcolm P.; Borus, Jonathan (American Medical Association (AMA), 2002-02-06)
      Patients taking active medications frequently experience adverse, nonspe- cific side effects that are not a direct result of the specific pharmacological action of the drug. Although this phenomenon is common, distressing, ...
    • Perceptual and Memory Biases for Health-related Information in Hypochondriacal Individuals 

      Brown, Halle D.; Kosslyn, Stephen M.; Delamater, Beth; Fama, Jeanne; Barsky, Arthur (1999)
      Problematic health concerns characteristic of hypochondriasis may be better understood with the aid of cognitive, information processing theories. We investigated whether hypochondriacal individuals show perceptual: and ...
    • Should An Obsessive-compulsive Spectrum Grouping of Disorders Be Included in Dsm-v? 

      Phillips, Katharine A.; Stein, Dan J.; Rauch, Scott; Hollander, Eric; Fallon, Brian A.; Barsky, Arthur; Fineberg, Naomi; Mataix-Cols, David; Ferrão, Ygor Arzeno; Saxena, Sanjaya; Wilhelm, Sabine; Kelly, Megan M.; Clark, Lee Anna; Pinto, Anthony; Bienvenu, O. Joseph; Farrow, Joanne; Leckman, James (2010)
      The obsessive compulsive (OC) spectrum has been discussed in the literature for two decades. Proponents of this concept propose that certain disorders characterized by repetitive thoughts and/or behaviors are related to ...
    • Somatization Increases Medical Utilization and Costs Independent of Psychiatric and Medical Comorbidity 

      Barsky, Arthur; Orav, E. John; Bates, David W. (2005)
      Context: Somatoform disorders are an important determinant of medical care utilization, but their independent effect on utilization is difficult to determine because somatizing patients frequently have psychiatric and ...