Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    • China, the USA, and Asia’s Future 

      Saich, Anthony (John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University., 2012)
      The relationship between the US and China is at the core of both economic and geopolitical trends that will define the future of Asia in this century. China’s economic rise and its more assertive diplomacy have created a ...
    • Developing Social Citizenship? A Case Study of Education and Health Services in Yantian Village, Guangdong 

      Saich, Anthony (John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 2012)
      This paper uses a case study of the evolution of education and healthcare provision in Yantian Village, Guangdong Province to examine broader trends in China’s evolving social policies. It makes no claims that development ...
    • The National People's Congress: Functions and Membership 

      Saich, Anthony (Harvard University, 2015-11)
      From time to time, the attention of the media in the United States and around world turns to China’s National People’s Congress (NPC), typically around the time the NPC meets in March. This paper is intended to provide ...
    • The Quality of Governance in China: The Citizen’s View 

      Saich, Anthony (John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University., 2012)
      Are China’s citizens sufficiently satisfied to reduce potential challenges to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) rule? It is reasonable to assume that if a significant percentage of citizens are more satisfied with government ...
    • Reflections on a Survey of Global Perceptions of International Leaders and World Powers 

      Saich, Anthony (Harvard University, 2014-12)
      A recent survey asks citizens from 30 countries for their views on 10 influential national leaders who have a global impact (see Appendix). There are many rich findings among the data. However, two general trends stand ...
    • Values and Vision: Perspectives on Philanthropy in 21st-Century China 

      Johnson, Paula; Saich, Anthony (Harvard University, 2016)
      Values and Vision: Perspectives on Philanthropy in 21st Century China is an exploratory study of philanthropic giving among China’s very wealthy citizens. Recognizing the increasing number of successful entrepreneurs engaged ...
    • What Does General Secretary Xi Jinping Dream About? 

      Saich, Anthony (Harvard University, 2017-08)
      This analysis argues that the period of easy reforms in China has ended, and the time of difficult reforms that touch core political interests has begun. The resulting challenges facing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ...
    • What to Expect from the 20th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party 

      Saich, Anthony (Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, 2022-09)
      On October 16, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will convene its 20th Party Congress. Held every five years, the Congress is a critical event. While nothing is seriously debated there, the symbolic function of the Congress ...